Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Only later did the couple realize all the women were getting red carnations.
She held a small bunch of red and white carnations in her hand.
All during the drive, he kept thinking of little golden carnations.
"No one has laid eyes on a carnation in years!"
He returned to Carnation as president of the international division.
Someone in the carnations and roses group is a very good shot.
She turned away, and the red carnation from her dress fell to the ground.
There will be a single wild carnation at each place setting.
I shall remember these wonderful carnations only as a special order.
White carnations lay in the place near the school where she was struck.
Today, 8 out of 10 carnations sold in this country come from abroad.
The pack ice in his best picture is like a field of white carnations.
Since it is a charity, you notice I use carnations.
It's exactly the same as the card that came with the orange carnations.
There was a smell like carnations from the yard next door.
She took the carnation, and the man saluted as the car moved off.
The council members themselves wore white carnations in his honor.
All that and free carnations for the women in the audience - how romantic can you get?
During his time at Carnation, he would deal with product development and nutrition studies of new products.
But would I present a hostess with a bunch of carnations?
Did you know that the carnation is the state flower of Ohio?
You will now have a red, white and blue carnation - ready to wear on your uniform.
It was neatly arranged in three points, under the red carnation.
Apparently the red carnations from her spouse are a family tradition.
The house was sold to Carnation in 1977, to become its corporate headquarters.