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Cassia lives in a world where their society decides everything.
Cassia lives in a "perfect" world where everything is decided by the Society.
In English, it is also known as the golden shower cassia.
He followed Cassia to the center of the room.
There are hundreds of Cassia species, but the exact number is still not clear.
Taking large amounts of cassia cinnamon might cause side effects in some people.
Stop taking cassia cinnamon at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
Cassia laid paper and a stylus on the end table.
Is loving and understanding a perfect match for Cassia everything she needs.
More evidence is needed to rate the effectiveness of cassia cinnamon for these uses.
When he committed himself to one, Cassia pointedly joined him.
So far, only cassia cinnamon has been shown to have any effect on blood sugar in humans.
Cassia watched him, amused, but he refused to take notice.
The staff is made of cassia wood and enclosed at both ends in gold.
Cinnamon, a similar spice for which cassia is often substituted.
Or, and more likely, it could be the darker-colored cassia cinnamon.
Polar gestured angrily, turned away from Cassia, and stepped close.
True cinnamon, rather than cassia, is more suitable for use in sweet dishes.
There has been some confusion between cinnamon and cassia.
Taking cassia cinnamon along with diabetes medications might cause your blood sugar to go too low.
Lady Cassia was clearly not anxious to kiss a toad.
Cassia buds, although rare, are also occasionally used as a spice.
Add the star anise and the cinnamon or cassia bark.
Early studies suggested that cassia cinnamon might be effective for controlling type 2 diabetes.
Very high quantities of cassia cinnamon may be toxic, particularly in people with liver problems.