Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Does anyone really want to type in a daily schedule, every expense or casual notes?
He left a silence after that, save for the gentle, almost casual notes drawn from the instrument as if unconsciously.
Behind him sounded the casual notes of a kiv.
A couple of letters, some plain cards for casual notes, a packet of pipe cleaners, a spare handkerchief.
"Casual Notes on the Mystery Novel"
There were diaries, memoranda, casual notes to himself and to others, letters he sent and letters he received.
Five Gates: Casual Notes for an Autobiography.
The New Baedeker: Being Casual Notes of an Irresponsible Traveler (1910)
"There are no casual notes," Isaac Stern admonished a young violin-and-piano duo who had just played, for the third time, a passage of a Brahms sonata.
"The most valued of all art treasures in China have been examples of the writing of certain aristocrats from the fourth century CE, including casual notes exchanged between them.
The term Facebook diplomacy was coined sometime in October 2008 in casual notes exchanged on Twitter, in connection to U.S. President Barack Obama's electoral political campaign's keen use of Facebook and other social network websites.
Others are refreshingly quirky: the Photos panel shows a continuous, two-inch-tall slideshow of pictures from your own collection, and the surprisingly useful Scratch Pad is a blank box where you can type casual notes throughout your workday (they're saved automatically).
He would spend several weeks traveling about the country, from London down to the south coast and north through Manchester and Liverpool to Scotland; along the way, he would make some casual notes and try to dissect his abiding love for the country.
Instead of discovering self-revealing handwritten letters, casual notes, first drafts and intimate diary entries, a biographer may be left with little more original material than lists of cellular phone calls, impersonal second-sight faxes and E-mail: all useful only as electronic confetti for a shredding machine.
She watched swans glide over the lake of Zurich, made casual notes for the diary, tried to take care of all the final details the way Damian would.... At a quarter to eight, a chip of bumt-orange sun sank without a trace behind the Forienza villa.
While the Migration Period Elder Futhark had been an actual "secret" known only to a literate elite, with only some 350 surviving inscriptions, literacy in the Younger Futhark became widespread in Scandinavia, as witnessed by the great number of Runestones (some 6,000), sometimes inscribed with almost casual notes.