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It is unknown whether brown catsharks are important predators within their ecosystem.
The smaller catsharks often mate with the male curling around the female.
Catsharks are ground sharks of the family Scyliorhinidae, with over 150 known species.
Gestation can take longer, up to 12 months or more for deep sea catsharks which lay their eggs in very cold water.
Catsharks in this species are occasionally caught by demersal fisheries.
Like other catsharks, Figaro species pose no danger to humans.
Like other catsharks, it is believed to be oviparous.
Very little is known about the behavior of brown catsharks; they are believed to be solitary, nocturnal creatures.
The finback catsharks, Proscylliidae, are a small family of ground sharks.
Redspotted catsharks have a negative economic impact on humans.
Like other catsharks, the jaguar catshark lives near the sea floor and eats fish.
Scylorhinus is a genus of catsharks in the family Scyliorhinidae.
Brown catsharks' two dorsal fins are the same size and do not have spines.
Redspotted catsharks are an important predator within their ecosystem.
This species belongs to a genus of poorly known deep-water catsharks.
Brown catsharks have long, slender bodies with broad, bell-shaped snouts.
Blackspotted catsharks are usually on the continental shelf in depths of up to 4 meters.
Reproduction in brown catsharks is oviparous, with a single egg at a time per oviduct.
Like other catsharks, the nursehound is oviparous in reproduction.
Communication specific to brown catsharks is unknown.
There are often many freckled catsharks (Scyliorhinus haeckelii) in the same habitat.
At the time, Triakis was classified with the catsharks, hence "false catshark".
Over 60% of sport anglers target catsharks when they fish this area, which brings in over £140m to the Scottish economy each year.
Uncertain numbers of gecko catsharks are caught incidentally by commercial trawl fisheries.
Although they are generally known as catsharks, many species are commonly called dogfish or gato.