There are over 60 catering establishments in the Bermuda Triangle.
It has since been converted into a catering establishment.
THE place had the look and smell of a Legion Hall after a beer party or a suburban catering establishment gone bust.
The building had been used by a catering establishment until it was renovated last year.
"Little Chef is - to be quite open and honest - not a very health-conscious catering establishment," admitted the company spokesman.
Harry decides to launder some of his cash by putting it into a catering establishment.
It is being converted into a catering establishment.
These include two small family drop tower rides, a carousel and a catering establishment.
Initially, the price was very high and they were popular for expensive public catering establishments.
The restaurant, which is part of a catering establishment, features a $9.50 early bird dinner and a la carte entrees that average $13.