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But that won't be possible if caterwauling right-wing critics have their way.
They gather to caterwaul over their dead pal and hunt for whoever or whatever killed him."
I can't play my best with you caterwauling in my ear.'
Holding her ears as if the lanterns were caterwauling like banshees, she slumped to the floor.
Females may caterwaul during or shortly after mating.
Erik only knew one line of the song he'd heard Manfred caterwauling one evening.
A door opened, but what Curly Day was caterwauling about was no clearer.
He'd always allowed her to caterwaul her way to hell in any wayshe pleased.
Horns began to caterwaul outside.
Gulls caterwauling over a midnight feast.
A hellhound hit the spiked front bumper, its bleeding form stuck there caterwauling in pain.
Craig Toomy heard the brat begin to caterwaul back there someplace and ignored it.
A gyrating belly dancer replaces him, caterwauling about her rise from penury to plenitude.
She slapped on the playback, turned up the volume, but he was caterwauling so loudly about Section 49 that he couldn't have heard it.
Their women, known in the local parlance as 'gins', fight each other when intoxicated, with a screaming and caterwauling that would wake the dead.
Behind them, the juke box began caterwauling in Turkish about somebody called Sergeant Pepper.
They found sphexes prowling and caterwauling about the fallen colony, in numbers they still did not wholly believe.
Caterwauling melodies and a steady driving pace give this reflective song enough propulsion to be danceable but never detracting...
The sonorities Miss Tobin creates range from caterwauling cries to a sensual purr that begins to resemble human speech.
You'd have to go to Celine for caterwauling like that, to Sylvia Plath or Adrienne Rich.
Two spayed females disputing a territorial boundary can caterwaul as dramatically as any 'rutting toms'.
As Ms. Lemper's voice rises, it goes through several transformations, from mannish alto to nasal, caterwauling high soprano.
Liberals are only offended by religious symbols that are displayed respectfully, caterwauling about the nonexistent "separation of church and state" they claim is in the Constitution.