Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He will only look into whether Clinton still thinks about cavorting with a lot of women.
"Who knew that two such different species could actually cavort together?"
Her friends were cavorting with their partners from last night.
"We're never going to find out so long as he's cavorting around Europe, are we?"
Three teenagers cavorted about in the clear water; two girls, one boy.
After joining the party the first person she saw was her husband, cavorting around the dance floor.
He saw nothing but a few clumps of people cavorting along the street, though.
The music is rap now, but the models are still cavorting.
A white horse with the head of a woman cavorted in the drawing.
I'm convinced I had the very room in which they cavorted after breakfast.
Everybody simply reckoned that the president had been cavorting a bit.
She spots another dog cavorting with two women across the path.
They were swimming and cavorting in the pool like kids on a hot day.
I will not tolerate you, Deborah, cavorting with a single man.
By the end of the pilot episode, the two are cavorting - where else?
Was it the image of himself cavorting about in tights?
A white scarf over her head, she cavorts as an invisible man.
It is also notable for being the only game in the series where Larry cannot cavort with women until the end.
Who are the two people cavorting through the piece?
Nearby, younger children cavorted in the playground of a school.
That is why she preferred the boy disguise when we went cavorting on the town.
The animals, tumbling and cavorting on the grass, were young.
A proper fool I must have looked, cavorting over the grass.
The seals (and others) watch as people cavort for charity.
Why, then, should she go to the risk and bother of cavorting with multiple partners?