Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Thank God, the ceasing of telling things has made no difference between us.
To some, the intellectuals, the ceasing of inquiry was a pain.
But that did not mean a ceasing of activity.
And yet, should they signal the ceasing of the wind there would be panic."
With the ceasing of the ravens' racket, all the other birds seemed to have stopped as well.
Thus, the issue of divest, or a ceasing of production, may be made.
But in that other distant crag there was no ceasing of outward flow.
He had been senseless since yesterday; the ceasing of the breath was a mere formality.
The completion of the reaction is indicated by the ceasing of the fumes.
Measurements made down to 10 Hz (taking several weeks) have not shown a ceasing of pink-noise behaviour.
So, with the ceasing of birth, death ceases.
The young can fly by December while early February sees the ceasing of lactation.
Another reason was the ceasing of Ecotec engine production at the Hungarian plant.
Strangely cult for this ceasing of the yore.
This armistice called for a ceasing of all fighting between the British and the Ottomans.
Over the years, unexpected deaths have hit the family many times, despite the ceasing of shootings and live captures for aquaria.
The gearbox will fail due to the ceasing of a bearing or the damage of a geartooth.
Their appeal goes up, he said, "if we can add in the possibility of a rebound from the ceasing of tax-loss selling."
He had to work fast, because the ceasing of his fire had told the jubilant crooks outside that something was wrong in that room.
The new morbid joke in Israel this week is "We're doing the ceasing; they're doing the firing."
"At two o'clock in the morning I was aroused out of an uneasy slumber by the ceasing of all motion about me.
If the ceasing of faction be the price of the King's somnolence, he may awake when he will, and take wing.
The final blow came with increasing competition with Gol Airlines which lead to the ceasing of operations in 2003.
These investigations have resulted in the departure of both individuals from the company and the ceasing of all activity with the employment agency concerned.'
Ekaggatā or "singlepointedness", as a Jhāna's factor, simply means a very deep concentration, which includes the ceasing of stimuli from the exterior world.