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The sound had come from beyond the door, in the big cellarage.
That was much in evidence to the six who were presently in self-imposed cellarage.
Come on - you hear this fellow in the cellarage -- Consent to swear.
You hear this fellow in the cellarage.
He remembered the cellarage of old; here, no dusty racks of bottles were to be seen.
At one time it had been celebrated for its vast cellarage, which had contained some rare old wines.
Its cellarage houses a columbarium and a parish museum.
On this stage, there was a trap door for use by performers to enter from the "cellarage" area beneath the stage.
There's a great wolf in the cellarage, and my Lord Mardian is there with it!
And if I find a single box moved, or cask broached in the cellarage yonder, I'll see you whipped myself.
The clamminess of the air certainly indicated he was underground, lost in the ample cellarage of Septuagint.
'You'll need some storage, proper cellarage ideally.' '
For economic and military purposes these originally smaller caves were connected and they got also connected to the cellarage of the Castle District's houses.
Wooden wine boxes, also known as wooden wine crates, are used to ship and store expensive wines in transit and cellarage.
Built as it was upon the lower level of the sea-wall, the foundations slid with the soil as the waves, bursting through the cellarage, weakened it.
The tunnels have not been investigated, but one is easily accessible from the cellarage of Wilkinson Estate Agents at the top of Market Square.
There were servants quarters including four servants bedrooms, a back staircase, a lumber room and butlers pantry as well as extensive kitchens and cellarage.
There, on the steps of the cellarage, stood the man they knew as Mardian, with a girl clasped to him, facing the menacing crouch of the great wolf.
'Well, old fellow in the cellarage,' she whispered lightly to herself, though the breath was shallow in her throat, 'it seems I must speak with you at last.'
The emphasis was helped by the speaker's square wall of a forehead, which had his eyebrows for its base, while his eyes found commodious cellarage in two dark caves, overshadowed by the wall.
An outer room was the clerk's room; Mr. Grewgious's sleeping-room was across the common stair; and he held some not empty cellarage at the bottom of the common stair.
But perhaps the most striking use of such spaces is the cellarage designed to store barrels of beer brought to the capital from Burton-on-Trent, which was on the network of the Midland Railway.
The starveling lusts whose walk is now confined To darkness and the cellarage of the mind, And shudderings and despairs and shapes of sin Then walked at large, and were not cooped within.
Indeed, as he eagerly sparkled at them from the cellarage before mentioned, he seemed a kind of cannon loaded to the muzzle with facts, and prepared to blow them clean out of the regions of childhood at one discharge.
Built in the 18th century upon the site of the Abbey Seminary, the extensive 12th-century cellarage below the shop was (probably) originally created by masons seeking the fine pale-coloured limestone from which the Abbey was constructed.