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They provided excellent cover all the way to the central storage area.
Fishing rod holders are fitted to the central storage area.
Is there a central storage area?
A high number of shootings and thefts of firearms prompted the Chief and Council to create a central storage area.
It was used as a staging ground and central storage area for the British Army's push westward towards the French garrisons.
The central storage area has a substantial skylight with clerestory lighting, and a smaller, chimney-like skylight.
It contains a single layer of epithelial secretory cells surrounding a central storage area called the lumen, which is connected to a duct system.
The broken glass from the smashed shed window was removed from the site and some more chairs and screws were recovered to the central storage area.
Lake Eucumbene is the central storage area for the Snowy Mountain Scheme and holds nine times the volume of Sydney Harbour.
In complex castles the buildings of the inner ward were frequently grouped in a ring around a courtyard which acted as a central storage area and - if it were large enough - as a tournament arena.
The western end of the upper floor consists of a series of offices (some now used for storage) surrounding a large central storage area which are lined with thin VJ timbers, fine picture rails and timber trims forming panels.
Lieutenant i Nathan would join Ray in the critical attack on the giant separating towers, Clan Conway and Charlie would take the central storage area, while Rob Cafiero and R.yan Combs would place the high explosive on the wails of the control center.