Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The law also requires companies to have certificates of compliance before doing business with the city.
At least five working days before the hearing, you must file a certificate of compliance with the court - form 4.7.
The recipients are required to sign an anti-obscenity proviso and a certificate of compliance.
Parliament wants to make provision for the introduction of a certificate of compliance so as to reduce fraud to a minimum.
The Buildings Department has on file a certificate of compliance from the club, confirming that the floor plans are on the premises.
Certificate of Compliance with Rule 32(a)
One way is which quality is demonstrated is through possession of the relevant certificate of compliance with quality standards.
Certification Testing- To get a certificate of compliance, each mobile device needs to be tested against the guidelines set by different mobile platforms.
An ambient temperature thermometer with NIST traceable certificate of compliance was also used.
The facilities management department will have in place maintenance, inspection and testing for all of the fire safety equipment and systems, keeping records and certificates of compliance.
In all new buildings they should carry guarantees of quality and certificates of compliance with Building Regulations, Codes of practice and British Standards.
Of the 43 fraternities at Cornell, Mr. Eckstrom said, only three have valid certificates of compliance with building codes, which must be renewed every three years.
You can find a DECC certificate of compliance request form on the ECA website - Opens in a new window.
From early on it was necessary to create a body responsible to the disciplinary control of the military departments and the certificate of compliance with the orders of the Tribunal.
You must submit a certificate of compliance, signed by a partner, director, company secretary or other senior member of staff, to the the Environment Agency by 31 January each year.
In recent years, competition amongst local bakeries has become fierce for producing the best "Rogale", and very often bakeries proudly display a certificate of compliance with authentic, traditional recipes.
Certificate of Compliance with the Radio Provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, (As Amended)
Mr. Sarro asked the Zoning Board to allow the stoves to be put back and to grant a certificate of compliance so that the other 20 units could be occupied.
WAPPLES received a Certificate of Compliance to PCI-DSS ver.
MegaFon did not meet requirements of Russian legislation and never reported Federal Communications Agency (Rossyaz) of any certificates of compliance that its billing system is required to have.
Mr. Gillen went before the Cortlandt Zoning Board of Appeals to ask for a certificate of compliance, insisting that the complex could be considered either a motel or a camp, both of which he said were legal under the zoning.
Moreover, they have to comply with the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA) requirements including tracking labels, a certificate of compliance, meeting requirements for lead content and surface coatings, and meeting requirements for phthalates.
- Re: Recommendation of the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) Board to Indicate in All Pleadings Filed with the Courts the Counsel's MCLE Certificate of Compliance or Certificate of Exemption.
Airspace categorised as TLZ is similar to airspace experiencing severe weather conditions in that the restrictions are expected to be of a short duration; however, the key difference with TLZ airspace is that airlines must produce certificates of compliance in order for their aircraft to enter these areas.
If an individual wants to issue an ISO/IEC 27001 certificate of compliance then the audit must be done by a Lead Auditor working for an accredited certification body and done using all the rules of that certification body, which will need to adhere to ISO17021 and ISO27006.