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He could not look at the blood coming from Chameleon.
We went and found the chameleon all on our own.
"Do you ever want to see your water chameleons again?"
He was seeing himself through the eyes of the chameleon men.
The chameleon men clearly felt it was time they did something.
He could still feel the presence of the chameleon men.
That's the thing people like the Chameleon will never understand, she thought.
She was what they called in the old speech a chameleon.
But Chameleon was up there, waiting for him, and he had to go.
She was simply a female chameleon trying to get ahead in the world.
Soon she was back with Chameleon, now understanding this woman better.
He was too big to play chameleon in a dark corner.
We both look for a chameleon, but there is none to be found.
With no more effort than a chameleon, you can change your skin.
Now he could understand why the chameleon men never slept.
But his heart was also tied up back home, with Chameleon.
In 1997 the last live concert took place under the name Chameleon.
He has also appeared in several other television series including Chameleon.
"You could tell me whose idea it was," said the Chameleon.
But when he saw them through the eyes of the chameleon men, they were naked.
He could have let Chameleon be taken by the monsters.
Chameleon knew exactly what she was doing in this phase!
They change color at a slower rate than a chameleon.
She's the perfect chameleon, who knows you need to speak the language of the people.
I did not know the secret which makes the earth a huge chameleon.