Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
They certainly would not be likely to remember his chance remark.
That must have come from some chance remark, perhaps heard years ago.
My mind was distracted by more important things than her chance remarks.
You heard how he grabbed at any chance remark to get away from the subject.
It was a chance remark that caught her off guard.
On the other hand, there might be a clue, a chance remark.
Sometimes, even a chance remark can unravel quite a bit.
It's terrible that a chance remark can hurt a child so much.
And then I remembered a chance remark that someone in the village had made to me.
But a chance remark by one of the latter solved his problem.
Here is a true story of one chance remark.
The action that the detective had started with his chance remarks was to bring a double opportunity.
On each occasion, he dropped a chance remark in the ear of a different man.
It starts from something small, a chance remark, a gesture made lightly.
She dredged the name from a chance remark in the remote past.
Phyllis made a chance remark that brought a quick look from Milton.
In this first example we see how a teacher is able to initiate a sorting activity following a child's chance remark.
Others rely on newspaper articles, chance remarks or incidents from their own lives.
A chance remark by a fellow diner heightened my curiosity.
Lives have swivelled and changed direction on the strength of a chance remark.
A chance remark by Carter gives him the idea to tell his wife about a nightmare to get her consent.
A chance remark at home, which seemed nothing significant at the time, supports this theory.
It was only when someone's chance remark on the heat drew a "Well, there are pools all over here.
It had obviously been a chance remark that meant more to her than it did to him.
He may have overheard some chance remark in a restaurant - at the Savoy, perhaps.