Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He'd got a cheap rate too - that was good politics.
Government Officers to sell their land at a cheaper rate.
More energy, at a cheaper rate, to supply our homes.
You're checked into the hotel by the week, for the cheaper rate.
He'd got a cheap rate on the conference room because it was after hours and all other meetings were long over.
Now it will give customers who buy a lot of art cheaper rates when they sell.
- they give you cheap rate calls for a limited period.
"That's why I gave the film company a cheap rate," he said.
Ooh God, they've had the house at a cheap rate anyway!
It enabled me to stay in my home of 30 years rather than move to a property with cheaper rates.
I'll set it up in five minutes, get you a cheap rate."
Think you've found the cheapest rates, but still confused by all the ads?
They are expected to go on lower floors, which rents at cheaper rates.
Some systems offer slightly cheaper rates, but the sound quality is lousy.
Moreover, the political spots must be sold at the cheapest rates.
An old fashioned theater that shows new movies at cheap rates.
Cars under 1549 cc qualify for a cheaper rate of tax.
It is the best breed cabbage with the cheapest rates.
Cheaper rates negotiable for stays of a week or longer.
All the companies offer memberships services which get their customers cheaper rates for international calls.
Local bus: London's public transport offers cheaper rates for students.
That tariff gives people much cheaper rates if they charge at night, especially during the summer months.
But the promise of cheaper rates has been largely unfulfilled.
China was offering cheaper rates, faster approval and fewer questions.
The new branch at the south wing basement has a slightly cheaper rate.