Some workers physically blocked customers at check-out counters, and security guards kept others from occupying the runways, the Italian news agency Ansa said.
But there are no parking problems, no crowds, no check-out counters.
An example is a coupon which the reader cuts out and presents to a super-store check-out counter to avail of a discount.
The smaller size packaging allowed retailers to place the product near check-out counters and at easy point-of-sale locations.
Most stores, for example, had an employee assigned to insure that the electronic scanners at check-out counters were up-to-date with the numerous price changes pasted on products.
This group of 1,000 salespeople roams through supermarkets, making sure that empty racks are immediately refilled and that their publications maintain choice positions near check-out counters.
It is sold at check-out counters at a variety of stores, such as A&P, Dominion, Foodtown, and 7-Eleven.
It is now being rebuilt as a Woolworth Express, the convenience-store version of a full-scaled Woolworth's, with fewer merchandise lines and faster check-out counters.
This time she went through a different check-out counter and there was no trouble.
The clerk at the front check-out counter looked at Remo and said: "The exercise books are in the back on the right.