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Cooking was then, for the most part, no longer a poetic, but merely a chemic process.
Life is vastly different from mere chemic matter fluxing in high modes of notion.
The heart is drained that, spelling in the scurry Of chemic blood, warned of the coming fury.
Confused the chemic labour of the blood,...
Wrestling: The Chemic wrestling team has won three straight district championships and the school's very first regional championship in 2009.
Hence: Alchemical; chemic.
We can spare your opera, your gazetteer, your chemic analysis, your history, your syllogisms.
Every four stages there is a challenging stage where your Chemic can shoot Moleks in four directions at the Atomic.
From World 2 onwards, there are Power Moleks that will let your Chemic attack the Atomic for a short period of time.
People infected with the bacterium, Chlamydia pneumomiae, appear four and a half times as likely to suffer a first is chemic stroke than uninfected people.
Chemic Music Fest - A showcase of various rock bands and acoustic acts from Midland High.
There is also a malevolent clump of balls called the Atomic that floats around the screen, and will destroy your helpless Chemic if it merely touches it.
But this doctor had no scalpels or bleeding bowl nor the foul chemic smell that normally surrounded them, so his heart had begun to slow and he relaxed a little.
The mischievous torrent is taught to drudge for man: the wild beasts he makes useful for food, or dress, or labor; the chemic explosions are controlled like his watch.
The player controls a small black atom with red spikes called a Chemic, which can adhere itself to passing Moleks, which come in four different colours: cyan, green, pink and yellow.
The gases gather to the solid firmament: the chemic lump arrives at the plant, and grows; arrives at the quadruped, and walks; arrives at the man, and thinks.
In some constitutions there is a natural chemistry, and those constitutions may produce chemic wonders,--in others a natural fluid, call it electricity, and these may produce electric wonders.
This kind of talent so abounds, this constructive tool-making efficiency, as if it adhered to the chemic atoms, as if the air he breathes were made of Vaucansons, Franklins, and Watts.
With the shrewd eye of a past master of all chemic lore, Maal Dweb proceeded to estimate the cauldron's various contents, and was then able to divine the purpose for which the brewage was intended.
Thin to emaciation, he seemed a cold flame of a man, a man of a mysterious, chemic sort of flame, who, under a glacier-like exterior, conveyed, somehow, the impression of the ardent heat of a thousand suns.
Only the flesh dies and passes, ever a-crawl with the chemic ferment that informs it, ever plastic, ever crystallizing, only to melt into the flux and to crystallize into fresh and diverse forms that are ephemeral and that melt back into the flux.
During the later 18th century the spelling was re-fashioned to use a letter e, as in chemic in English (and somewhat earlier in German), under the belief that the medieval Arabic al-kimia had come from ancient Greek chemia and the attitude that chemic would therefore be a more correct spelling in English.