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The soles of his heavy boots left chevroned patterns in the street.
Emerson and Rochelle's exchange of attack plan data under scored the solitary image of a chevroned doorway.
The structure of the chevroned hinge teeth is the dominant feature by which members of Praenuculidae are divided between the two subfamilies.
A chevroned ditch runs over the ridge between the east and west wings with a series of casemates located to sweep the ditch with fire.
In the painting, two stout Norman columns with cushion capitals, a blind arcade, and a large chevroned arch create a backdrop indicative of the antiquity of the site.
Omobranchus elongatus, the cloister blenny or chevroned blenny, is a species of combtooth blenny found in coral reefs in the western Pacific and Indian oceans.
Here, a recently polished elm coffin sits on padded woodworking trestles; it is in the process of having its chevroned starched linen fringe gimped to the upper edge of the inner lining, a length of which hangs outside the coffin awaiting turning-in, the lid having been temporarily replaced for the purpose of photography.