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You will need to consider two key things about being a childminder.
A childminder is anybody who looks after children under 5 in her own home, usually while their parents are at work.
She found a childminder and went back to work.
Cathy registered as a childminder when she started to look after a friend's young son.
If you're attracting custom as a childminder, you really would be in business.
Two years on, with a little help from our excellent childminder I look after him part-time during the week.
They start a relationship and he becomes a childminder.
Marilyn tells him that she has become a childminder to get over Byron.
I'm a childminder, why do I have to notify?
If you opt for a childminder, you should: Visit the house several times with your child.
What was he supposed to be, a childminder?
It all begins when nine year old Sadie's mother, who is a childminder, gets ill.
A childminder cares for the child in the childminder's home.
When you are satisfied that your child is happy and cared for then don't hesitate to make the most of a good childminder.
No, a childminder cannot normally take care of a sick child - it's not fair on the other children in her care.
So you want to be a childminder.
My childminder had 20 years of experience.
Unless you're a childminder, this probably won't work!
She said more than 40 kids - including the ones she looks after as a childminder - love bouncing on the trampoline.
"We help find skilled people recommended by friends - whether what you need is an accountant, nanny or childminder.
A childminder is the owner/operator of a small business, a nanny is an employee.
A childminder claiming this deduction may not however claim relief for the cost of replacing such household items.
However if the childminder wishes the actual cost of car expenses for childminding purposes can be claimed instead.
Towards the end of her 40-week maternity leave, a childminder who was lined up to look after her baby suddenly pulled out.
She said: "I've had to rearrange my work schedule and worked from home this morning, but have managed to get a childminder for the afternoon.