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Everyone is going to have to just take a chill pill during our time away.
I will just take a chill pill and become an ordinary person.
However, he said that would not be a crisis and people needed to "take a bit of a chill pill".
Everyone needs to take a chill pill, but not one from a sports scientist.
"I wish we could make people take a chill pill and stop all this killing," he said.
He should tell the mob to go home and take a giant chill pill.
Why not just take a chill pill and wait?
So take a chill pill, key for Liverpool today is to battle and win.
There were signs that Washington is issuing chill pills to senior officials.
Why must “the grammatical doomsayers…find themselves some chill pills fast” in the electronic age?
The flurry ended when someone advised taking a chill pill.
Cat-lovers should take a little kitty chill pill before going in.
Somebody in the Prime Minister's office needs to take a chill pill and get back to work.
A chill pill for McCain, since he obviously doesn't need courage.
Take that strange thing called the chill pill.
Despite this, he criticized the cold opening and the "miming chill pill" scene.
Ms Plibersek says those speculating on possible changes needed to take a "chill pill."
I was almost surprised it didn't follow this up with, "Hey, compadre, why don't you just take a chill pill?"
Well consider this post your metaphorical chill pill.
I think it's time for some of the of the bikers to take a chill pill and slow down in the mixed use area.
Take a Chill Pill: Remember, it is the busiest travel day of the year.
"I've got to tell him to calm down sometimes and take a chill pill," center Kevin Mawae said.
Now go take a chill pill.
“Folks need to take a chill pill,” wrote one Storm user on
He took deep breaths, half expecting her to be bouncing along at his side, poking him, telling him to take a chill pill or something.