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The species is a long standing model system in Chronobiology.
But he said that more studies were needed on chronobiology and pain relief.
He made his most famous contributions in the area of chronobiology.
The cave has been used to conduct experiments in chronobiology.
The impact of the solar cycle on living organisms has been investigated (see chronobiology).
He later worked in the fields of Chronobiology and Astrobiology.
Candolle also made contributions to the field of chronobiology.
He later joined the faculty of Princeton University and started his chronobiology research.
In some ways, biorhythmics resembles chronobiology, the study of biological rhythms.
The University of Virginia offers an online tutorial on chronobiology.
Researchers in the field of chronobiology look for objective markers by which to measure the chronotype spectrum.
Dr. Lewy is an internationally recognized pioneer in the field of human chronobiology.
The authors did not study the entire 24-hour cycle, but they did demonstrate the significance of chronobiology in pain relief.
Pittendrigh's data and argument ultimately prevailed and sparked interest in chronobiology.
The published accounts of de Mairan's work stimulated further research in the field of chronobiology.
In: Chronobiology - its role in clinical medicine (eds.
Circadian rhythm sleep disorders in adolescents: clinical trials of combined treatments based on chronobiology.
Menaker has mentored several of today's leading experts in chronobiology, and has written almost 200 scientific publications.
IN the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of . . . chronobiology?
President, Indian Society for Chronobiology, from 2009-present.
He also is a recognized expert in systems medicine, physiology, chronobiology, neurology, cardiology and oncology.
Ingeborg Beling was a German ethologist from the early 20th century who worked in the field of chronobiology.
Dr. Martin himself became interested in chronobiology after meeting such a patient, completely healthy during the day, who subsequently died of a nocturnal asthma attack.
Ronald J. Konopka is a former American geneticist who studied chronobiology.
His fields of interest are the oscillatory processes in biology, the theory of evolution, Chronobiology, and the history of science.