Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Chrysalis asked, not sure that she wanted to know the answer.
If Chrysalis wanted to look at herself, who was he to judge her?
The dark chrysalis is made in a cell under ground.
But the very worst, thought Chrysalis, were the patients, especially the children.
Chrysalis got wind of it, and before long we were working together.
But if he'd been wrong that night, then Chrysalis had paid for it with her life.
Chrysalis is a school of 200 students in grades K-12.
Those were pretty ugly, but they looked a lot better than Chrysalis.
I'd never seen Chrysalis so scared as she was that night.
It was too weak to break out of its own chrysalis and had to have help.
It is unknown whether the chrysalis has a brown form or not.
"The whole Chrysalis thing has to be a nightmare for him."
Chrysalis liked it when men paid attention to her, sometimes too much.
"We're just saying that without Chrysalis it seems like were missing a major part."
A case in point was that Ian chrysalis you had a few months ago.
I've got to find out exactly when we dock at Chrysalis, she told herself.
It takes 7-11 days for the chrysalis to turn into a butterfly.
"There's not enough money in the city budget to pay for that information," Chrysalis said.
Chrysalis had never said what the man looked like, only that he was an ace.
Watching her show is like viewing a career in a chrysalis.
He would worry about Chrysalis and the rest of it tomorrow.
Chrysalis pushed her chair away from the table and stood up.
You going to let the guy who had Chrysalis killed become president?"
Sometimes a chrysalis develops in a few short days; often it may take longer.
I had no choice but to leave my mother behind when Chrysalis was evacuated.