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Later, he went to the chuck wagon and brought back some supper.
Since these are chuck wagon portions, you might want to share.
Out on the range, the chuck wagons are still pulled by horses.
A chuck wagon goes along and evening entertainment is organized.
Baldwin stood near the chuck wagon, and all of them were armed.
We could hear the voices at the chuck wagon.
Why, you hardly ever see a chuck wagon anymore.
He had to keep the chuck wagon supplied with plastic garbage bags.
He'll drag in a young deer or an antelope and leave it at the chuck wagon.
The chuck wagon is really a sealed ice chest, and no food is left behind.
He eventually landed a spot on the local television show Chuck Wagon, in 1956.
Cowboys were starting to emerge from the chuck wagon to pick their horses for the afternoon's work.
If you need a pair of boots, you go out to the chuck wagon to get them."
Some were served outdoors, with the children eating in a covered chuck wagon as the adults socialized.
Like a ship's galley, the chuck wagon is compact.
On the trail, the chuck wagon traveled as vanguard to a predetermined location.
Chuck Wagon and the Wheels is a country music group with a professional wrestling theme.
Several days before, a rifle bullet had struck near him as he stood near the chuck wagon.
Every morning a line was mapped out, along which the chuck wagon and horse herd would travel until midday.
"Their only concession to modern times was the rubber tires on their chuck wagon."
Big Red led a revolt against Debbie's cooking, so we're taking turns on the chuck wagon these days.
Never a medium to miss the chuck wagon (or the gravy train), the television networks will carry several new series about the West this fall.
"It's sure got a western chuck wagon beat!"
James Black Fetchen looked past me toward the chuck wagon.
While the cowboys compete in the ring, 16 chuck wagon chefs recreate the meals of the open range.