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Which might make me sound like a bit of a chump.
Chump made a big show of looking at his watch.
I was beginning to think he'd gone off his chump.
A fellow has no business to go off his chump.
He shook his head at me, as if I were the king of chumps.
So you are talking about a lot of chumps in jail.
The other thing is that your friend sounds like a bit of chump for not making clear what days he was talking about.
Living in a house with four women is enough to send any man clean off his chump.
"These chumps would be astonished if they knew what I am!"
Theo would have known exactly how to deal with these chumps.
Human life is not valuable to them, except maybe for the chumps who are at the head of their organization.
Don't think of it no more, Major, or you go off your chump.
He's scared his neighbors will call him a chump for leaving.
I'm just irritated, because he makes me feel like a chump for not seeing it myself.
He's ready to take his shotgun to this chump, which would mean he'd get himself killed, too.
"I feel like a complete chump for believing her," he said.
If this poor chump is dead without a mark on him, he was probably just poisoned.
Instead, having written off well over a billion, we look like chumps."
To his credit, he refrained from making me feel like a chump.
"You just drive up the cost for other chumps that don't know what they're doing."
Only I thought they'd set him up, the poor chump."
In addition to his physical discomfort, he was feeling a most awful chump.
When the poor chumps try to resist, and you throw their radio out of the window!
The chumps tried to destroy it, for crying out loud!
Listen to me; we must get out of this place somehow, or as you say, I shall go off my chump.