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If they knew each other, how could he be silent under the circum.
I'm actually pretty good in that sort of circum- stance.
Under other circum- stances there would have been nothing to see.
Under no circum- stances will he hold a place in our council.
What's right and wrong under normal circum- stances seems out the door now.
The sudden coming together of circum- stance and need was frightening.
None of them looked particularly happy, which was understandable, given the circum- stances.
It was magnificent to watch, even under the circum- stances.
Under the right circum- stances, it might have been fatal.
I regret such circum- stances bring you on your first visit to the Center.
That under certain circum stances he might want to move the house itself over the ground I could accept.
Simon thought that under the circum- stances they would give a great deal.
I suppose it might keep the conversation going-under certain circum.
I considered every possible circum- stance and all conceivable combinations.
He has been known to call me Archie, but in different circum- stances.
So she was not heartless, just a victim of circum- stance.
It occurred to him that the situation required a good deal of circum- spection on his part.
Under the circum- stances, she could afford to wait awhile.
He seemed a little nervous, which was certainly understandable, under the circum- stances.
And under those circum- stances, it took some doing.
In this kind of circum- stance we feel it is better not to do it.
It would have been fun under other circum- stances.
They are books that circum- scribe our times and our future.
He said that the prince was not to leave the temple under any circum- stances.
Under the circum- stances that becomes highly important information.