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The haulier certainly needs to be aware of the procedure on claims for unfair dismissal.
Such dismissals may lead to claims for unfair dismissal and/or redundancy payments.
More generally, the case holds that claims for breach of contractual terms cannot be used to avoid statutory preconditions to making claims for unfair dismissal.
FWC's functions include the setting and varying of modern awards, minimum wage fixation, dispute resolution, the approval of enterprise agreements, and handling claims for unfair dismissal.
The disclosure letter is then used by the vendor to describe any specific exceptions to the general statement, for example, two claims for unfair dismissal having been brought in the last six months.
Under the Industrial Relations Act 1996, the Commission has the function of setting remuneration and other conditions of employment for employees, resolving industrial disputes, hearing and determining other industrial matters such as claims for unfair dismissal, unfair contract and victimisation.
She noted that the ruling in the case would have to apply to experts dealing with cases before tribunals as well as courts, thus including claims for unfair dismissal before employment tribunals and disputes between landlord and tenants about service charges and rent assessments.