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The lake bed is now a sandy and clayey plain.
This type of treatment is applicable only in clayey grounds.
Most soils are clayey, and poorly drained in their natural state.
They have a duplex structure with red or brown clayey layer.
Therefore clayey soils with a bad drainage should be avoided.
The dark indicate vegetable decay, while the others point to clayey soil.
The plant grows well on moist clayey soils in full sun.
Moreover, the clayey soil turned to muck from the first rains.
The soil, in general, is of a clayey character., on a hard subsoil.
The water was cold, and the clayey soil sticky; the dirt didn't want to come off.
The local soil is mainly clayey with some alluvial deposits.
Work progressed very slowly in the wet, clayey soil.
His eyes flicked toward the garden, flourishing despite the heavy, clayey soil.
It is usually found growing in damp conditions, on deep, sandy or clayey and often rocky soil.
The soil in Benghazi is a rich red colour and very clayey.
However, clayey loam is well suited to the raising of this crop.
As the wheel spun, clayey water flew off and splashed her apron.
In order to negotiate a dale, I had to jump a clayey creek and climb a bank.
The soils are deep and red, often with clayey subsoils, suitable for pottery making.
"In three days, this clayey soil bakes hard as a brick.
The clayey silt that was added to the soil hardened and stabilized the ground.
I intended to use the lid as a screen and, thus protected, to open a sort of shaft in the clayey soil.
Usually grows on ridges and hillsides with sandy to clayey soils.
The reason may be the difference in the nature of fine clayey silt deposition that carried by the rivers.
This stabilisation method, however, is effective only in homogeneous clayey grounds.