Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He took her hand in his and it was clammy.
She took her mother's hands, they were cold and clammy.
When she took it, her own was cold and clammy.
Then why do we suddenly go all clammy like this?
The air in the room was so cold it seemed clammy.
Rather, his hand had been cold and clammy since opening day.
Clammy hands and the people who own them make me sick.
What made such men think she wanted or liked their clammy hands on her?
She read the data, and felt her skin grow clammy.
He could feel sweat running a clammy line down his back.
Away from the coast, the air was hot and clammy.
She felt clammy but at the same time cold inside her suit.
He put his hand on her forehead which felt clammy.
When she touched one of his hands, it was clammy.
The plastic of the long chair felt clammy against his back.
He shook the thought away, but it left him feeling clammy.
He lifted a hand to a face that had gone clammy.
She still felt clammy, so I put another blanket over her.
It was as though a clammy hand had touched my face.
This takes a bit of practice and does not work well if you hands tend to be on the clammy side!
His face felt clammy and he knew that it was pale.
She went a clammy cold in spite of the heat.
His skin looked clammy in the pale light of the office.
Death was on the loose and none could know where its clammy hand would fall!
"We are once again seen as clammy, dark and expensive."