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They are actually quite well known here on planet Clanger.
Name your band after a character in the Clangers and you can get away with anything.
Environmental clangers of this kind must be prevented in future.
Today that strong man was shown to have dropped a massive political clanger.
How to drop a Clanger into your children's showbiz fantasies.
Possibly so, but there's no reference to the Clangers prior to 1969.
I chose a Clanger because their moral philosophy is out of this world.
But then young Charlie dropped the biggest clanger of his racing life.
After three days I was pronounced out of clanger.
Surely the clangers were the first to land on (and indeed occupy) the moon?
What would Somerset do when he was in clanger?
I'm sorry, but you've absolutely dropped a clanger with the new homepage.
Carrie was in enough clanger from shock as it was.
He was ranked 1st in clangers per game at the Eagles in 2006.
The European Commission has dropped a major clanger in this respect.
Or at the very least, I'd bring back The Clangers.
'Pears never looks as though he will drop a clanger.
Then came The Clangers (1969-1974 which was their first colour production.
With a bit of nous I'm confident that it's not hard to avoid the absolute clanger.
The bell does not have a clanger but is rung by striking the outer edge.
Clangers was described by Postgate as basically a family set in space.
Unfortunately, the device chosen by Urquhart to frame her story is a clanger.
I felt clanger, and was worried, but I didn't know what we faced.
That's that's where we're likely to drop the clanger.
But the basic skills are acquired amazingly quickly, though moving on from balls to clubs too soon is a bit of a clanger.