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"And come not back without you hear a clapping of my hands."
There was a great clapping of hands when he sat down.
Someone always has to start the clapping and when she did a few others followed.
Almost half of the subjects were able to recognize their own clapping.
Two and a half years later, the clapping has turned into stunned silence.
With the speech and the clapping, it was obvious that had changed.
In some places, it is very simple, with rhythmic clapping.
He held up his hands to stop the clapping.
The voice and the clapping of hands can certainly be considered the first instrumental forms used by man.
She allowed herself a few short whoops and some clapping.
There was some generalized clapping, during which the baby began to cry.
"We've got a shot," the quarterback said through the clapping.
Sometimes, a clapping or snapping beat is used by the children in the circle.
There was a sound like the clapping of two hands, or a small thunder-crash.
Then he danced out into the center of the marble hall to great clapping.
But perhaps more than the sound of one hand clapping is in order for other events of 1853.
But before they faced off again, both were distracted by the sound of excited clapping.
In the ensuing silence, the clapping of hands startled her.
But in a minute more the queen was brought to herself by a great shout and a clapping of hands.
This single clapping was not, however, spreading to the large assembled audience.
I took out my earplugs and heard the light clapping of approval.
There was some more clapping and, shaking at the knees, I thanked them all.
"You may express your agreement," he said, and tentative clapping began.
Immediately the younger guards pick up the rhythm with their clapping.
When they brought the piece to an end, Eric was startled to hear enthusiastic clapping.