It was the class outing to Lake Berryessa on Monday, and she didn't want to have it spoiled by colds or flu.
It could have been any class outing as about 90 elementary school students squealed hellos, whispered urgent secrets and stuck tight to their allies.
Some schools, including the Rose Bay Primary School in Sydney have already arranged class outings to see the big screen version.
The importance of the park has grown, especially since the 1970s, when schools began to bring class outings here.
Her students were so ecstatic on class outings and field trips that they had a hard time remembering what they saw and learned.
Just two years later, a young Hans Christian Andersen also writes about Marienlyst, during a class outing whilst at grammar school in Helsingør.
The train was occupied by senior year pupils of a Radevormwald middle school, their teachers and accompanying railway staff, on the return journey from a class outing in Bremen.
Children troop through on class outings.
When the Iraqi units finally did show up, it was with the air of a class outing, cheering and laughing as the Americans blew locks off doors with shotguns.
Like children on a class outing, we are taken on a merry tour of the English language.