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The section, which climactically ends the book, is a paean of exultation.
The play climactically ends with the harrowing sound of the boy being raped...
Flint experienced a tearing sensation that was at once painful and climactically fulfilling.
It holds a much more favorable position climactically, with median temperatures within the subtropical spread.
And there are the outnumbered heroes walking climactically into the camera to blow up the bad guys and break a lot of glass.
The lyric goes on to enumerate all the accouterments served with caviar, including, climactically, onion.
Climactically, the Poles and Lithuanians win the battle, but many will have to leave their homes to avoid the wrath of the Russians.
Slowly and climactically, Powell and Donovan finished a graphic and resounding story.
Jesus, in "Paradise Regained," always answers Satan by doing nothing, climactically when he is challenged to throw himself off the pinnacle.
Brian and Stewie become even closer to each other as time goes on, and climactically help each other survive being trapped inside the cold, dark vault.
Because it is climactically isolated from the rest of the Earth, the continent has extreme cold not seen anywhere else, and weather systems rarely penetrate into the continent.
Climactically the masked Irish desperado has a dance-off duel with his nemesis and ends dispatched in a burst of sparks and smoke.
Once home again, he spends most of his time humiliating Arnaud, abusing the resident wenches, insulting his mother, scaring his wife and, climactically, raping Beatrice.
I thought it was climactically incorrect to drive into town just to purchase luxuries like books, and politically incorrect to buy them at Tesco during the weekly grocery shop.
And she fulfills the literary duenna's most important role when she facilitates Father (now Archbishop) Ralph's surreptitious and climactically vow-breaking visit to Meggie's tropical-island retreat.
Climactically, the laugh track voices burst out of the ceiling, demanding a Court TV-style trial of Trudy and Keith, which Mrs. Siezmagraff quite happily and manically provides.
On Jackson's HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I project in 1995, the Andraé Crouch Choir chants climactically in a dramatic interaction with Jackson on "Earth Song."
Each time that she sighed climactically and surrendered to a shudder of ecstasy, Travis became more aroused, until he was of a size and firmness that he had never attained before, until his need was almost painful.
The two of them had an uncanny, silent rapport that had been developed through years of boyhood friendship, and climactically when the First US Cavalry Division penetrated the Fish Hook in Cambodia in 1970.
He's playing me out with him through anecdotes of teenage keg tappings, misdemeanor flights from the police, and, climactically, our dropping out of college together to "push up" our draft eligibility in quest of some imagined adventure.
The image of that dinner, framed from the side, cannot help but summon the ghost of Yasujiro Ozu, the serenest of Japanese filmmakers, many of whose dramas were played out-and sometimes climactically resolved-amid the quietude of domestic gatherings.
"The Face of Tutankhamen" begins by retracing the path that took Howard Carter into the Valley of the Kings in Egypt and, climactically, to the tomb of King Tutankhamen in 1922, setting off fits of Tutmania in the West.