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At the age of 13 Kim became a professional dancer (clogger).
I played full back, tearing up the wing - a right clogger, always kicking people in the air.
I received a long ball near the centre circle, brought it under control with a clogger hacking away behind me.
But is it true that he is most accomplished in the dance world as a clogger?
Clogger moved like greased lightning.
The seasoned wood was sold on to the master clogger who would finish the work on the now dry, seasoned wood.
Small and smart, Deschamps covers enormous ground and is a fine tackler and clogger of passing lanes.
At the time of publishing Clogger, he was learning ARM assembly language in addition to setting up a vehicle restoration business for old buses.
The Colne Valley Museum exhibits restored weavers' cottages, and has a weaving workshop and clogger's shop.
Permanent exhibits include a handloom and a spinning jenny, invented by James Hargreaves, a weaver's sitting room and 'gas-lit' clogger's shop.
Although this cuisine has never earned a reputation for producing slimming food, Mary Ann's menu suggests that Mexican food need not be an artery clogger.
As a cultural footnote, Christine Morris, a mountain clogger from West Virginia, will perform the traditional clogging steps upon which "Blue Ridge Blues" is based.
The two Long Island-based groups will be joined by Ira Bernstein, the clogger, and Saul Broudy, the folk singer-composer.
Mr. Hummer, president of the 2,000-member Southern California Clogging Association, performs around the country and is the Western Senior Free Style Champion clogger.
In the other, the mother, a railwayman's wife, 'used to talk about when she was a girl', and of her memories of visiting the great-grandfather, a Lancashire clogger with his own shop:
How he managed to be a serial clogger, commiting endless acts of footballing mayhem, get the injured party sent off and walk away with an air of innocence has long baffled sports fans.
The children do not wish to reveal their secret so do not hand Rudi over to the authorities, but keep him prisoner at their fort, where Clogger and Nicky now live permanently.
When his running career ended, Nuttall and his second wife moved to Ainsworth Street in Gorton (next door to Belle Vue Zoological Gardens), where he became a clogger.
On one corner is a harpist and fiddler, on another a banjo player keeping time with a young country clogger whose hip attire and hairdo would not be out of place in Lower Manhattan.
While working as a clogger, he visited the Great Exhibition in 1851, where he bought a nail making machine, and commenced making nails with which to fasten the iron strips on to the soles of clogs.
Howard Hummer, who says he is the oldest competitive clogger in the Pacific Southwest, teaches a group of retired people, the Social Security Stompers, in Hemet, 30 miles southeast of Los Angeles.
You're a useless, ham-fisted clogger, you'll always be a useless, ham-fisted clogger, and our NASA-approved Precision Groove-Lite Technology isn't going to change that..."
Kenneth says a celebrity clogger died "doing what he loved most: blogging on The Huffington Post", the latter being a liberal news and aggregated blog website that Alec Baldwin has been a contributor to since 2005.
This year the cloggers' association brought James C. (Chip) Summey, a former national and world champion and two-time East Coast male champion clogger, out here from his home in Asheville, N.C., to teach some fancy footwork.
They used to go down to the clogger's shop, which was at the bottom of the road where they lived, and he used to make toast, make a drink, and they used to sit round by the light of a candle, eating toast and drinking.