I went right behind Wren, so I got a closeup view of his little stomping dance.
The game is played on a square board, to which one side contains a closeup view of the village.
The pond can be crossed via a suspension bridge or by boat to allow a closeup view of the fish-eating reptiles.
Finally, I got a closeup view of the sea, gray today and white-capped.
With a painterly mural as a backdrop, the show offers a closeup view of the apatosaurus, the maiasura and the protoceratops dinosaurs.
Would you like a closeup view of the newcomers?
On June 1 and 2, there will be a hike to the top of the mountain for a closeup view of the work.
Col. John R. Bourgeois has had a closeup view at the White House for 38 years.
Subject matter includes extreme closeup views of exacting images cast in shadow through reflective lighting.
The ride from Tower Hill to Island Gardens on the elevated line provides a closeup view of the entire Docklands project, much of it still under construction.