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But that's not Scotland's only connection to the history of the "cludgie."
We might as well bring back the outdoor cludgie.
At last he relaxed as he sat on the cludgie.
Might the concrete cludgie be a metaphor for "escape velocity" in the construction sector?
Policemen are definitely younger, and manners have gone down the cludgie, right down.
We are certainly going to need more than that concrete cludgie for that grand ribbon-cutting ceremony called "escape velocity."
'The hots rarely survive an intense course of imagining the beloved on the cludgie.'
'Aye Senga, finding a cludgie in the countryside nooadays is no easy.'
Alex Neil unveiled a matchbox model of his new designer Recovery Cludgie.
If you don't know your midden from your cludgie, you might in future turn to Today Translations for an explanation.
On the edge of Loch Lubnaig, just north of Callander, the finishing touches are being put to a giant concrete cludgie.
I once heard a Scottish wag who was in a bar with me, and some American guests, tell them that the Scottish Drinking Toast was, "Cludgie!"
Messages have been left in the Cludgie from as far afield as Australia from one of the local boys who left Bridge of Allan about 10 years ago.
But among those who are very much around are Grace, Isabel's no-nonsense housekeeper ("manners have gone down the cludgie, right down"), and Cat, Isabel's niece, who runs a delicatessen.
This Jargon File entry notes kludge apparently derives via British military slang from Scots cludge or cludgie meaning "a common toilet", and became confused with U.S. kluge during or after World War II.
To which Graham's response was that "he is going to look very silly if, having decreed that no power in heaven and earth can stymie Falkirk's survival, the club then plunges like a brush down a cludgie into the morass that is the Irn-Bru First Division".