Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
She co-founded the company with her husband George, in 1949.
In 1999 she co-founded and became the executive director of ¿Oiste?
I was able to co-found a business during school and learn from that experience.
The writer co-founded a political training program for women in California.
Games2win is his fourth company which he co-founded in 2007.
In 1993, she co-founded her own design and web development firm called enviro|media.
In 1968, after working with several student companies, he co-founded a university theatre company.
In 1968, he co-founded a community center and an alternative school there.
There were four of us who co-founded the company, and we worked for too long as equal leaders.
She co-founded the school seven years ago with her husband, Randy.
He has since worked as an events coordinator, and co-founded a media company.
As a result, she co-founded an adventure travel business, one of few in her country.
They went on to live together as Jobs and a friend co-founded the company from a garage.
But his relationship with the company he co-founded proved far from smooth.
She co-founded a diabetes program, working with a team of about 8 people, who reach out to all community members.
Barr co-founded the company in 2011 at the age of 28.
The natural inclination is to co-found with family or friends.
But he did co-found Facebook, so don’t feel too bad for him.
Romney co-founded the firm in 1984 and worked there until 1999.
In 1960-64 he worked for radio Israel and co-founded its weekly news magazine.
In 2000 he co-founded, a website for debate about global politics and culture.
He co-founded his own company in 1874 and saw it prosper.
In 1990 he co-founded the weekly football magazine 90 Minutes.
Brown in 1968 co-founded and was the first coach of the Bengals.
Newton was only in his mid-20s when he co-founded the Panthers.