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Unfortunately, we were aware that the co-Rapporteur could not be with us today.
I see that our co-rapporteur is also requesting the floor.
The Committee concerned may appoint a second member to act as co-rapporteur.
The co-rapporteur hopes that these measures will be implemented quickly.
My co-rapporteur and I have kept this very much in mind in our report.
I also thank the Committee for giving me the opportunity to be co-Rapporteur on such an important subject.
As my co-rapporteur has stressed, we need the corresponding political will for it to take shape.
The co-rapporteur congratulates the authorities on having included civil society in this body.
The Chair of the Committee will inform the co-rapporteur concerned in writing.
I would therefore ask you not to start the debate again, but I give you the floor as co-rapporteur.
The rapporteur or co-rapporteur shall be entitled to question the applicant directly.
In certain circumstances, the Committee may authorise a co-rapporteur to carry out a fact-finding visit alone, if necessary.
The new members should be encouraged to assume the task of co-rapporteur, if necessary alongside an older member, but without this being obligatory.
The co-rapporteur thanks the parliamentary delegation and the Armenian authorities for the excellent way in which the visit was organised.
I now call Mr Vareikis, the co-rapporteur, who has the balance of the speaking time.
Mr President, I will be speaking first as co-rapporteur for Bulgaria.
Let me also once more thank my co-rapporteur Mr Leinen for our excellent collaboration.
Mr President, I am the co-rapporteur for the excise report on mineral oils.
The co-rapporteur calls on the authorities to introduce a policy encouraging the development of minority cultures and to focus more attention on refugees.
Does Ms Akgönenç wish to speak on behalf of the co-Rapporteur?
As far as the co-rapporteur knows, these amendments have not yet been forwarded to the Council of Europe’s experts.
The opposition complained to the co-rapporteur about certain violations but, as a whole, the by-elections were recognised as free and fair.
To conclude, I would like to thank my co-rapporteur, Mr Stenmarck.
The talks held by the co-rapporteur did not provide any evidence suggesting that Armenia is not seeking a peaceful solution to the conflict.
The Co-rapporteur further underlined the need to take into account the peculiarities of the respective countries when dealing with the subject matter of child labour.