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Galilee ran right round the lake, including most of the level coastland on the east.
Would he now learn the purpose driving Thorvald on to this coastland?
But through the geological ages, one mountain of this coastland would persist.
I just want to remind people that we still have miles and miles of beautiful coastland to enjoy.
There are more than 100 highland, lowland, and coastland tribal groups in the Philippines.
Much of this coastland has seen few tourists, and so these expedition landings offer a rare opportunity for interaction.
Eastedge is big, covering about fifty miles of coastland, yet only about twenty people live there.
Building fishing communities along the coastland towns, and building small factories in the inland plus education.
Ronsard had followed the wagons to their destination, a ship with black sails standing off a lonely stretch of coastland.
Belize is a land with a lush tropical interior, modern cities and a rich coastland famous for diving.
We have no way to predict them, and no warning for the great tidal waves which devastate our coastland.
This vantage-point commanded a view of the low-lying coastland from which the sea had retreated in the seventeenth century.
Only mangrove seedlings planted by teachers and Japanese volunteers provide the contrast to a now, desolate coastland.
His fingertip now moved on, still along the pictured coastland, until it tapped against a much smaller indenta- tion.
And all coastland paths, many of which are exposed and rocky, are omitted from the guides, .
Small silver-tipped waves lapped shyly on the shore, gradually devouring the coastland up to the tideline.
Krešimir greatly expanded Croatia along the Adriatic coastland and in the mainland eastwards.
Second, it inhibits the capacity to fully utilise those natural resources (gold, timber, diamonds, soils suitable for agriculture) that are not located on the coastland.
Another name for the polity was the Latin Merania, meaning "coastland", and Marians to denote the inhabitants.
He won state control of more than 1,000 acres of federal coastland, then rapidly sold it off, taking some of the profits for himself, the authorities said.
Like some of the coastland wastes explored in The Rings of Saturn, it is all deserted, but here the ghosts are palpable.
These were unable to threaten Turkish rule in San'a and the coastland, although large parts of the highlands could not be controlled by Ottoman administration.
The coastland was similarly known as Gu-gbba (Semitic Kisad tamtim), the "bank of the sea."
From this time, the Rasulids lost their grip on the north of Yemen, and mainly wielded power in the Tihamah coastland.
Such were Makkah, Ta'if, Yathrib, and others scattered between the mountains of the west coastland and the desert sands.