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He sprang in, gave a hurried order to the cockaded coachman, and drove swiftly away.
Two soldiers trotted forward, followed by an officer in a cockaded hat, and another pair of soldiers.
Charles looked every bit the prince as he rode up and down their lines in his tartan coat and cockaded bonnet.
In the stern are tiny copies made of painted tissue paper of the hero's coat, decorations and cockaded hat.
With a giggle, Carnelian tipped his foolish foppish cockaded hat to Jaq.
The most notable species of the ecosystem is the longleaf pine, wiregrass, and red cockaded woodpecker which all are found throughout the historic range.
A hatter's van, emblazoned with the royal arms, trotted past them on Hay Hill, two cockaded figures upright upon the box.
H. borgesi - red cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis)
Then he approved a plan by the Georgia-Pacific Corporation to save the red cockaded woodpecker with buffer zones totaling about 50,000 acres.
It paused on Angor-man and his cockaded hat, but when the Trustee rose, it was to Woodsinger she went, asking to see the baby.
Goethe is known for its population of red cockaded woodpeckers, a rare bird endemic to the longleaf pine forests of the southeastern coastal plain.
It's very distinguished, with nice woodwork all painted and varnished, and liveried coachman and footman in cockaded top hats.
She settled into her chair and turned her head to give the middle-aged man in the green cassock and brown cockaded priest's cap of an upper-priest a sharp glance.
'Harm' applies to significant habitat modification, which foreseeably causes the actual injury or death to the red cockaded woodpecker and northern spotted owl protected under the ESA.
The bird species red cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) was once a common inhabitant since the demise of the ecosystem it has been placed on the federal endangered species list.
Mr. LeBlanc is one of six law students who are spending the summer helping the Enviromental Defense Fund, doing legal research in cases involving protection of the desert tortoise and the red cockaded woodpecker.
Donning his faded uniform and mounting his finest ox, he jammed-his cockaded hat on his head and rode forth to meet the man whom some of his people were already calling the Exalted One.
The refuge, which will adjoin the Big Cypress National Preserve, will also provide habitat for six other endangered species: the wood stork, snail kite, bald eagle, red cockaded woodpecker, peregrine falcon and eastern indigo snake.
There are also a number of endangered species on the Federal and state lists in the storm area, including the red cockaded woodpecker, Cape Sable seaside sparrow, swallowtail butterfly, Key Largo wood rat and cotton mouse.
The plaintiff argued that the red cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), an endangered species, and the northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina), a threatened species, had injured them economically preventing them from conducting commercial business in the forestry industry.
Trying to defuse the battle over the Endangered Species Act, the Clinton Administration said today it had approved a plan by the Georgia Pacific Corporation to protect the red cockaded woodpecker, a forest bird that is declining in much of its range in the South.
Mr. Babbitt said today that the Government's acceptance of the company's plan would help maintain the woodpecker's numbers in the South, although most of the 10,000 red cockaded woodpeckers in existence live in national forests and timberlands on military bases in the South.
The agreement, which was announced by Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt, calls for Georgia Pacific, the nation's largest timber company, to keep at least 10 acres of trees and brush standing around each colony of red cockaded woodpeckers that live on its forest lands in Arkansas, the Carolinas, Louisiana and Mississippi.
Led by parading soldiers of the Household Cavalry, the Queen rode from Buckingham Palace to Parliament in a gilded carriage drawn by four Windsor Greys and guarded by coachmen in cockaded hats who are still called bargemen because in the past the monarch would make the passage by river.