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Students are doing their studies in a more cocooned environment these days.
Only a few of the cocooned stuff got torn open.
She soon felt at home in the cocooned double-glazed interior of the big car.
Another movement caught her eye, and now she could see a cocooned shape writhing out from under the bed.
Naturally in her cocooned state, such human notions as bodies were irrelevant.
She got an awkward grip on his cocooned body.
When the disaster came that ended them both, the folk tried to save some of the cocooned dragons.
So we sat down near the cocooned Crobe and I drew the plan.
The cocooned worms were sent to China and Japan.
The cocooned body was loaded into the ambulance.
There they find a large Alien nest filled with the cocooned corpses of the colonists.
Her cocooned body was still in a kneeling position, spine curved forward as if she was at prayer.
He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead, taking the cocooned baby from her as he did so.
In his gray webs, he looked like a cocooned wreck in which something new was aborning.
They also found the cocooned dragons.
It nearly always came over in a bad light, as a bunch of cocooned scientists trying to hoodwink the common sense of ordinary folk.
He began with the cocooned Chameleon, using his webbing to secure a layer of pillows around the unconscious villain's form.
The base had been mothballed in the mid-seventies and was now host to a long line of cocooned B-52s but the tower was still operational.
One nurse moved a wheelchair towards her, and Buzz suddenly realized with a shock that the cocooned creature within it was Elinor.
The dirty birds clutched the bodies available: five fauns, three wounded goblins, and the cocooned goblin sergeant.
He and Blaine supported the cocooned bulk of the Old Man and it was both heavy and awkward.
Mulder uses the vaccine to revive Scully, disrupting the stable environment of the lab and reviving the cocooned aliens.
It dwelt within the heart, a cocooned maggot waiting for the moment to break out and feed, gorging itself on the darker forces of the human soul.
The space marines determine that the colonists are clustered in the nuclear-powered atmosphere processing station, where they find a large Alien nest filled with the cocooned colonists.
In many countries, the abuse reserved for black players at football grounds is seen as "just part of the game" in a cocooned battlefield known as a football stadium.