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I'm a 20-year old again, flirting with the whimsical coeval.
That privilege was reserved for Agrippa, his coeval and spiritual brother.
Perhaps he didn't want to tread the ground that Pollock, his coeval, had broken about 15 years earlier.
He painted coeval, relatives and personalities from well known traditional families in Korça.
Marcus Agrippa, the coeval.
Old as Didir, powerful as she, her mate and coeval, Tamor.
"Coeval of the Word" (2003)
I don't even think I made it past Newton's three laws of motion - which, for physicists, is the coeval of nursery rhymes.
Behind trendy sunglasses the driver looked like Richard Gere poorly disguised, with gray tousled locks that made him an attractive coeval.
He, as his coeval, leaned to softer and more gentle colours, silky facture glaze painting just like French masters of rococo.
In many ways Percy Bysshe Shelley was Blake's spiritual coeval; together they founded the Romantic visionary line.
He claims to have conquered all but the soul of mankind, "which might make/ Our antique empire insecure, though built/ On eldest faith, and hell's coeval, fear".
Bethel University has three student publications, The Clarion, the Coeval, and the Bethel Table Tent.
A "coeval of the planet," he is able to leave Caia behind - not forgotten or ignored, but part of the urgent past that marks his "wakeful" present.
How strange is the life of a fountain, born at every moment, yet of an age coeval with the rocks, and far surpassing the venerable antiquity of a forest!
She was probably eldest daughter (b.c.124) of his coeval, and colleague as praetor, Q. Servilius Caepio (cos. 106).
The rice paddies of Southeast Asia have existed for millennia, with evidence for their existence coeval with the rise of agriculture in other parts of the globe.
For Angra Mainyu, this interpretation meant a demotion from a spirit coeval with Ahura Mazda to a mere product of the Creator.
Both the Pilbara and Kaapvaal cratons show extensional faults which were active about the same time during felsic volcanism and coeval with the impact layers.
The geology of this orogen undergoes simultaneous extension coeval to the regional convergence between Iberia and Africa during the Tertiary, which has not yet been satisfactorily interpreted.
In Laurentia, there is widespread within-plate magmatism coeval with the Umkondo event, raising the possibility that the two igneous provinces were linked within Rodinia.
"I know not whose it was; it was of such enormity I could only attempt to employ a tiny section, placing my own coeval with what I could apprehend."
The Coeval is Bethel's bi-annual fine arts journal, publishing fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and other forms of text, such as geometrical proofs, political persuasion, and business plans-if they are interesting.
The Novosibirsk State University is a coeval and a creation of the Siberian Division of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
Shortly after 62 BC, Cicero presents it as one of very few lawful nocturnal festivals allowed to women, privileged to those of aristocratic class, and coeval with Rome's earliest history.