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His whole cogitations therefore simply brought him back to the point from which he had started.
Sometimes a little cogitation will result in a different play at the first trick.
Then it stood regarding him for a while as if in doubt or cogitation.
Generally, youth is like the first cogitations, not so wise as the second.
With great effort at cogitation, we managed to never reach any important conclusions.
But, exhausted by his cogitation, he'd have energy left for only one word, the name of the flower.
He screwed up his face in what was almost a parody of cogitation.
All went away, leaving me to my cogitations and a packet of his cigarettes.
Cogitation, as she called it, clouded things and prevented action.
You have not, by any chance, been sent to assist me in my cogitations?"
The humans, however, especially the leaders, have their lives so filled with activity that there is very little, if any, time for cogitation.
Not without long and painful cogitations on the subject.
I have been giving the matter some considerable cogitation.
His cogitations were interrupted by the sound of voices in the adjoining room.
The attorney's voice here broke in upon his cogitations.
"Now that is a subject for suitable cogitation," it replied.
How long Conan stood drowned in dizzy cogitation, he never knew.
My cogitation was interrupted by a commotion inside the gate.
"I daresay there's some food for cogitation in that lot."
At this stage in his cogitations he was interrupted by Crawley.
I debated the question seriously, and, after much cogitation, decided to leave him, for the present, in ignorance.
I'll really have to have a careful piece of cogitation on that one.
Now, I'm not advocating this, mind you, just offering some thoughts for discussion or cogitation.
Perhaps you should seek a secluded region for your cogitation."
After much thought and cogitation, we have now decided that we will be participating in the 2010-11 season.