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Some described him as a bit of a cold fish.
His political enemies call him arrogant and a cold fish.
Bit of a cold fish - not much given to showing his feelings.
After a while, the cold fish came back, so I repeated the performance and drove them away again.
They think we are cold fish and sloppy in our appearance.
Cold fish, the special of the day, was deemed inappropriate.
No cold fish I knew of was into that.
Meeting strangers through a computer was something Ashley would never do, the cold fish.
A cold fish, yes, but not the monster that her question implied he was.
Al Cohn was a cold fish, under the best of circumstances.
Besides he must want to marry Diana, probably because she was such a cold fish.
Let me tell you something, my wife thinks I'm a cold fish, unreachable.
"After him, I don't think the country could go back to a cold fish and do that very happily."
In general he was-is-a very cold fish, as they say.
The cold fish scattered in terror, and the water warmed.
He's a hard one to read, a real cold fish."
She's a beauty, I'll say that, and he's a very cold fish.
"Actually, he's a cold fish but a hell of a doctor.
I'm not going to say she's a cold fish.
Freddie looked about the table, a forkful of cold fish in his hand.
And here I thought you were a cold fish."
I seem to remember that he never stopped talking, and I had given him the cold fish eye.
"The man's got a tremendous brain, but by God he's a cold fish."
Like all women; sit there, cold fish, while a man starves!
She smiled, but the bleakness remained in those cold fish eyes.