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Will I have to pay collection fees on my tax debt?
This does not nearly cover total costs, which are carried by higher garbage collection fees.
That changed in the 1930's, when they became salaried and began turning over collection fees to the counties.
This fee was typically collected by the university, which usually took a portion in collection fees and passed the rest to campus student organisation(s).
Under the program, individuals and corporations will not have to pay interest, penalties or collection fees on the amount of overdue taxes owed.
Another is garbage and trash collection fees.
Miscelleneous credit and collection fees associated with foreclosure.
To avoid collection fees, he took his garbage to the telephone company and dumped it in the bins there, Mr. Smith recalled.
In fall 2000, the company's debt was purchased by Wells Fargo, which hounded the reemerging brand with collection fees until it eventually broke.
Moody's Investors Service singled out winning concessions from labor unions and significantly increasing garbage collection fees as "two critical components of the recovery plan."
In particular, some smaller communities (e.g. the Jewish Community of Berlin) choose to collect taxes themselves to save collection fees the government would charge otherwise.
In this environmentally progressive city, where householders are charged collection fees based on the size of their garbage cans, diapers are the subject of a major political controversy.
While waste collection fees are always likely to exceed the revenue from the sale of recycled materials, it is still worthwhile maximising the revenue from the materials you produce.
In 2006, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa initiated gradual increases in trash collection fees paid by property owners to hire about 1,000 LAPD officers over the next five years.
Weiss supported the efforts of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Police Chief William Bratton to increase the City's trash collection fees to raise funds to hire new police officers.
They went head-first into a garbage bag to be driven to a city dumpster outside her husband's office, because this family took all their rubbish there for a time in a thrifty effort to avoid suburban collection fees.
In addition, please note any payments received from the manufacturer or any third party as part of an agreement, including but not limited to education grants, research, advertising, promotion, access fees, formulary management fees, and data collection fees.
Seattle newspapers report that in 2002 Diamond Parking settled a 2.2 million class action lawsuit regarding the imposition of questionable "collection fees" after customers failed to pay for using Diamond Parking lots in Washington state.
If the collectors find the errant viewer at home, a warning is issued saying that "they demand the payment in cash, collection fees totaling 95 shekels and break-in fees totaling 350 shekels" - equivalent to about $200.
In April 2011, Bustos voted for a budget that raised property taxes 4.9% and raised garbage collection fees, saying, "these decisions have been made thoughtfully and thoroughly and during the course of 17 open and public budget sessions."
Noting private waste collection fees, at the original registration fee of $528.50 a year, the Department of Environmental Protection could not only register generators but also collect and dispose of medical waste, thus providing an ideal solution to the problem.
In the past two years, residents of northern counties such as Morris, Bergen, Passaic and Union have seen garbage collection fees jump 100 to 200 percent as dump sites ran out of space and trash had to be hauled to other counties and other states.
If the arbitrator rules in favour of the 407 ETR then the driver is responsible for the toll charges as well as any interest and other administrative or collection fees charged by the 407 ETR if he or she has not yet paid the amount owing.
Now the administration is campaigning for a bridge authority that would levy an auto use fee to finance bridge repair; a resource recovery authority that would use garbage collection fees to repay what it borrowed to build incinerators, and a school authority whose freedom from contracting regulations would save money in replacing aging schools.