Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Collection sites for every local community in Arizona can be found here.
Please bring old phone books to the meeting, instead of delivering to the collection site.
At that point, all of their sacks were full and the family took them back to the collection site.
It is not known if this species exists at the collection site.
Grade earth toward these natural collection sites so water runs into them, not away.
Water temperature was recorded at each collection site (see Figure 4).
Collection Site 11 may have had its population size reduced by the expansion of a property.
All mussels will be returned by hand to the collection site from which they were taken.
It may be applied to the potential collection site 45-60 minutes before the time of your appointment.
In the past, not all materials brought to collection sites fell into expected categories.
If you can not get into the city we have numerous collection sites in the suburbs.
The species name refers to the high altitude of the collection site.
Patient should not need to know specific collection site.
In Washington, officials set up collection sites for people to drop off rotting food.
The charity has had to close five collection sites because of garbage trouble.
General collection sites are excellent places to start your search for technical information.
When we arrived at the collection site, a line of about 20 cars was slowly moving toward a solid concrete building.
If donations are needed, let your kids help collect them and deliver to the collection site.
At times, approved distributors’ warehouses are used as collection sites.
Fresh daffodils are sold at some collection sites around the country.
The consumer data collection site reports nearly seven out of 10 respondents prefer windows.
A few alliance soldiers also said one former Taliban soldier was killed at a collection site.
His idea is to set up collection sites where people can drop off porno, no questions asked.
People can bring as many items as they wish to the collection site.
On the other hand, some collection sites have disappeared.