Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Still, this will also be done with colossally bad grace.
To any middle-aged mother, having a baby at age 63 probably seems like a colossally bad idea.
It's your home, and a colossally sized one at that.
Or else a colossally augmented version of the real thing.
"And I think you are being colossally unfair to him.
Sounds like you're kind of suicidal, but on a colossally ambitious scale.
Still, he added: "We are at a colossally important milestone.
Feel colossally guilty I haven't done anything like it myself.'
"Because it would be so colossally stupid not to.
Both kinds were, even by New York standards, colossally rude.
That damaged us colossally and we shouldn't allow it again."
Horneber was asked later how she felt about her one colossally bad shot.
I know of men who believe in themselves more colossally than Napoleon or Caesar.
All right, I suppose I'd take that deal, but only with colossally bad grace.
He was too busy weaving colossally on the thousand looms that ran inside his head.
But then, well, let's not take the story any further lest its colossally sentimental payoff be compromised.
And yet your post was so colossally productive.
Some make sense and some are colossally bad.
The film revolves around a single event, the meeting of these colossally incompatible future in-laws.
From the first colossally churning chords, it was clear that Bach had heard the news in advance.
And when one Democrat after another proved colossally stupid, he termed that failure an accident too.
She has grown colossally fat since he found it expedient to remove her ovaries.
This is a wonderful example of how you almost are colossally insensitive to the fact that it was something of ancient history for most people.
And which, as a result of this 'negotiated' agreement, has been colossally botched.
This is not colossally useful to us.