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A touch of coltishness in their movements suggested that these gods were far from venerable beings.
Still Riding the Wave There is an intellectual coltishness to the man.
She's a sassy, grown-up tomboy with the coltishness of a girl and the heart of a woman.
Miss Kistler was the Chosen One, her natural coltishness suited to the foot-pawing entrance.
In contrast to their coltishness, Ms. Strain and Mark Ward moved with great dignity.
The ballet as a whole is more curiosity than masterpiece, and it is not always well served by the coltishness of the dancers it showcases.
The seasons rolled by, and Beldaran and I grew into an awkward coltishness - all legs and elbows.
The other soloists' variations nowadays tend to be danced with more schoolgirlish coltishness than with flair, Monique Meunier being the exception.
Her progress has been easy to chart: the old coltishness was no longer seen in the confident Sugar Plum Fairy who now danced a celebrated solo with such polish and warmth.
In a few seasons he straitened the coltishness with admonitions, faded the pink and gold with preaching, and produced a sad, grey wraith of wifehood who died, unprotesting, a year after her second son was born.
While Ms. Close performs Nellie's singing numbers with enjoyable buoyancy, she's caught in a bind: correct in her decision not to play Nellie with the unrestrained coltishness of a very young woman but still stuck with the character's limitations.
But as He advanced in Adeptship, this coltishness found its mouth bitted; as soon as He took serious Oaths and was admitted to the Order which we name not, those Oaths prevented him using His powers as playthings.
She often seems to be less a presence in her own right than a collage of movie-star associations: a scrap of Audrey Hepburn's saucer-eyed comic delicacy, a swatch of Giulietta Massina's impish clowning, a hint of Julia Roberts's coltishness, and so on.