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We are now combatant nations in the Arab Israeli war and the costs of this will be astronomical.
"How these plans will emerge and how combatant commanders will choose to use those is something we'll think about."
Missile submarines weren't actually combatant ships at all.
After 1971, the Navy sought more combatant vessels from friendly countries notably, France and China.
As of 2011, there are nine combatant commanders: six have regional responsibilities, and three have functional responsibilities.
Under legal pressure, Mr. Bush created "combatant status review tribunals," but they are a mockery of any civilized legal proceeding.
Fight Now TV - an American sports channel devoted to combatant sports including boxing, wrestling, mixed-martial arts, and more.
Alone among the "Services" (i.e. rear echelon support corps), RASC personnel were considered to be combatant personnel.
Enemies in The Legend of Zelda series first appeared as basic, combatant obstacles in The Legend of Zelda.
Knight and combatant par excellence, in 1325, at the age of sixteen, he took Varey, near Pont d'Ain, in a brilliant battle against the Savoyards.
While most combatant countries possessed a few military aircraft by August 1914, they were almost exclusively devoted to observation (especially artillery spotting), thereby supplementing well-tried and familiar platforms like balloons and kites.
Because of the strictly combatant role of the Marine Corps, the Marine Corps does not have organic medical personnel and the Navy supplies medical officers and hospital corpsmen for them.
The SEAC is not in the direct chain of command of the services' nor combatant commands' SEAs; however, he is in the NCO communication chain.
As Luxembourg's pre-war population was only 266,000, this death toll amounted to more than 1% of the entire national population, which is a relatively greater percentage than many combatant nations (see: World War I casualties).
To denote their fully combatant status pipers and drummers are armed with the Highland Dirk with senior ranks carrying the Sqian Dubh (Black Knife) which is worn in their hose.
All privateers of both combatant nations, sailing under commission and Letters of Marque, have been ordered to cease warlike expeditions forthwith and to return to their home ports to submit themselves to examination by the Admiralty assizes.
In that capacity he gave evidence to the Camperdown Committee, which were reviewing medical services in the British Army, and in his evidence accused Medical Officers of "affecting to be combatant officers" in order to secure promotion.
As recently as July, there was an official discussion between the European Union and the United States, at which the United States highlighted the establishment of what it calls 'combatant status review tribunals' following recent rulings by the American Supreme Court.
The Minerva-class were fully combatant ships to serve as coastal escorts, and equipped with modern sensors and armament, while the Cassiopea class were simpler offshore patrol vessels intended to replace the old Albatros class corvettes used for fisheries patrol.
All this has come in spite of fierce instincts that make him the most combatant and destructive of animals, and in spite of the revenge Nature has attempted time after time for his rebellion against her routines, in the form of strange diseases and nearly universal pestilences.