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The use of cross- as a combining form is proliferating.
The combining forms are used to form higher numbers.
Because inter begins so many words, it is not a popular new combining form.
The combining forms are used to form the tens, hundreds, thousands, and millions.
Let's interface it: cyberis the hot combining form of our time.
What's the combining form for an ailment?
A word thus formed by breaking up an existing combining form, prefix, root, or suffix should also have a name.
"Cephalo", also from Greek, is a combining form meaning "head".
The secret: knowing your combining forms.
Let the speaker beware: The combining form -ware is everyware.
Combining forms of regulation is called hybrid regulation.
The term is a combination of the combining form Anglo- and the adjective Celtic.
Now -impaired is the combining form to describe handicaps, which denotes less of a handicap than disabled.
A combining form from the Gr.
We used this combining form for articles made of clay (earthenware) or a range of tools (hardware).
They are offended by "War On" as a combining form, preferring to rally the nation in dulcet tones.
Lascivious lexicographers have closely examined -kini as a popular combining form.
Most dictionaries follow the OED in using combining form (comb.
Using the -burger combining form, we come up with cheeseburger and now veggieburger, with a score of variations in between.
'Myco - a combining form applying to fungus.
A less productive combining form of a- 1 is sa-, as can be seen in many of the numbers below.
In the above cases, when there are two combining forms, one is used with "... me" and the other with all other person/number/gender combinations.
Pan- is a Greek combining form meaning "all"; demon ium is a gathering of demons.
The result is the formation of a new term with a vowel attached (word root + vowel) called a combining form.
In English, the most common vowel used in the formation of the combining form is the letter -o-, added to the word root.