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There were comblike bones that explained what had happened to the ship's cat.
A comblike lobby wall will protect the elevator banks but also admit daylight.
Zane got out and followed his arrow through the comblike serrations of the building complex.
The leaves are comblike, divided into many linear lobes.
Another symbol is the decorated horse halter, portrayed in rock art as comblike.
The tiny organisms are filtered from the water by the shark's comblike gillrakers.
Some were great wedges, revealing hexagonal, comblike rooms the size of asteroids.
They were created by firing a comblike tool that stamped the designs on to wet clay.
The fruit is an array of four nutlets each lined with comblike prickles.
The maxillipeds are leglike in form, and the large claws are comblike.
Each leaf is up to 20 centimeters long and has edges lined in comblike narrow lobes.
The researchers studied goldfish and other species with comblike structures in their mouths called gill rakers.
A hetchel is the same as a hackle - a comblike instrument used to remove the tangles from flax.
It is the only North American species with pectinate (comblike) flagellomeres (antenna segments).
Its specific name is the Latin word pectinata meaning "combed", also referring to the comblike spines on the lizard's back.
Their antennae are comblike.
The ctenidium (a comblike respiratory apparatus) goes along most of the length of the pallial cavity.
The antenae are comblike.
On distal segments of the arm the ventralmost arm spines may be flattened and have a comblike structure along one edge.
The tails are custom-made from human hair (from Italy), blended to match the wearer's color, and they attach with a comblike clip.
And the blocks of terra cotta that surround them were scraped, before firing, with a tiny, comblike tool, leaving a vibrant, electric surface.
Many, many varieties of berries were foraged; some were harvested with comblike devices not reportedly used elsewhere.
The toothcomb-a comblike structure formed by the lower front teeth, characteristic of lemurs and lorisoids-is similar to that of other lemurids.
The leaves are up to 11 centimeters long in the basal rosette, divided into even comblike lobes, and smaller farther up on the plant.
Some of the shapes have ragged holes or deep, comblike incisions; across and around the overall field run bars, lines and curves of various widths.