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Also, it is difficult to commodify art because quality differs, even in works done by the same artists.
He tries to explore the process through which we commodify the state and in that way transfer the power to it.
But they didn't commodify it in the first place."
"That's when the commercial engines that drive the economy seized on this as another form of teenage rebellion they would commodify."
Whether or not writers should commodify themselves is an issue best left to each writer and his or her guilty conscience.
They don't commodify gender as a marketing ploy.
Questions arise when a white artist tries to define and commodify "blackness," directly or indirectly.
In refusing to commodify themselves, they leave blank the ultimate canvas-the self."
But this was a deliberate, even stubborn, artistic choice, as much as Wolf tried to commodify himself.
When we commodify everything under the sun and rely on the market to cure all ills, we lose our humanity.
Water, also, does not commodify easily due to its physical properties, which leads to differentiation in its governing institutions.
Other professors contended that although ratings might be useful for choosing a refrigerator or car, they commodify education in an unhealthy way.
Its cash prizes commodify artists.
Medical anthropologists have written at length about how medications "commodify" health, fostering the illusion that it is something bought and sold at market.
Dealers commodify."
The tendency to commodify just about everything, a tendency of long standing, swelled in that decade to a kind of Wagnerian climax.
Bakker argues that this is nigh on impossible for water due to its biophysical characteristics that contravene all efforts to fully commodify.
In some ways, this gives the subculture's resistance more power but only momentarily, because eventually entrepreneurs find a way to commodify the style and music of the subculture.
Since middle-class jobs seek the emotion management taught to middle-class children by their middle-class parents, these employers can commodify this learned emotion work into emotional labor.
Put simply, price promotions commodify brands, slowly unstitching a company's efforts across the rest of the year to create reasons to buy beyond the mere functionality of their products.
And many of these have frequently been better expressed: the news media control our reactions to disasters; advertisers try to manipulate our emotions and commodify our experiences.
This could commodify almost the entire surface of the Earth," said Hortense Hidalgo of the Global Alliance of Indigenous Peoples.
If a tourist feels that a heritage site is producing a dubious interpretation of a cultural expression or experience, the site loses its "authenticity" and it becomes less marketable, and harder to commodify.
The winners are what he calls the gatekeepers who control access to "the popular culture and the geographic and cyberspace networks that expropriate, repackage and commodify the culture in the form of paid-for personal entertainment."